Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Monday meander

Lots of walking today, it's a ridiculously busy week so I wanted to get my days done by today... Which I have managed thank goodness.
Into town to pick up some English notes for whole I'm away then walked up to my friends at Morningside for our Cursillo group. Walked home again via Polwarth, Roseburn and the cycle track to Craigleith. Very pleased it only took me 52 minutes to do 2.9 miles, lots of it was downhill and the good thing about the cycle track is that it is relatively level too.
The blip is of the bridge at St George's, although all the bridges are built the same way along this short stretch. I just loved the precision of these enormous blocks forming the arch. They are all placed at this wonderful diagonal angle. Very pleasing on the eye.
Back home again in time for tea before heading out to bridge, where to our surprise we won. I was particularly surprised having been awake all night last night and so I was feeling less than alert much of the time. Still I must have done something right.

Steps today 15141

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