Young Voices, Sheffield

Spend a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon and evening at Sheffield Arena with a lot of our school children today. We rehearsed from 2pm until 5.20ish, then had some tea and queued for hours for a wee. Parents started to arrive at the arena from 6.30pm, so we had a good game of spot the parent and then wave like lunatics! The concert started at 7pm and was, as usual, absolutely amazing.

One of the guest singers was Tony Hadley!!! You have never seen so many middle aged teachers going all of a doo dah over someone! They were having their t-shirts signed and everything! My phone decided to die as I tried to take a photo of him so my extra is courtesy of Mrs B, who had to severely crop out the random stranger who was cuddling him!

The Dopski and I arrived home very late at 11.20pmish.....but it was worth it!

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