Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

More sawing...


Lucky Archie had TWO big walks today! Becky took him out in the morning, and Annemique and Jenna took him out in the afternoon! He's flat out on the floor as we speak. Jenna brought her sister's dog.

In between times, when he was home for a while, he helped me while I was sawing up a pallet. Well, no he didn’t. As soon as I started up the saw, he shot off and kept well away. Sensible dog.

Sad news today that Molly the Gorgeous Collie is no longer with us. We're so sad for Ann, she's had Molly as a companion for many years. Ironically, we had a visit this afternoon from a young Collie called Molly when Archie and the girls came back home. (Extra)

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