a town called E.

By Eej

An Adventure

I'm going to be kind and call it that; an adventure.
We went to the State Park in South Haven this afternoon, P., Molly and me. We frolicked (Molly), found interesting things (P.) and took photos of fish bones (me). It was too cloudy for a spectacular sunset, but in return we saw two deer galloping up and over a dune - so YAY!
When it started to get dark we walked back to the car, not in any hurry, all tired and relaxed. P. put her hand in her pocket to get her car keys ...

For a while I refused to believe that this was actually happening; we're the only people on the parking lot of a State Park in December. And it's getting dark. It's NOT happening.
Obviously, her keys were in a different pocket. Or right next to the car door. I looked in obvious places while P. traced her tracks back to the beach. And came back empty-handed.
We did the rounds again the parking lot again - she was standing here - walked to there ...

Fortunately I had my phone and even a little bit of battery; who could we call? Because I certainly had no inclination to spend the night at an empty parking lot far from civilisation just waiting for a serial killer to drop by.

Fortunately we found a friend who before I even had finished my explanation said: "I'm on my way".

We waited. We walked to somewhere with an overhead light so we'd feel a little safer. We waited. Waited.
P. said she didn't know why she wasn't crying. I said I wasn't crying because she wasn't and I didn't want to be the weepy one.
Then I stepped down from a cement beam thing I was balancing on and straight into a shin-high metal pole sticking out of the ground.
Then I was the weepy one. AND the sweary one. AND the bleeding one.

After what felt like an eternity ("I have to pee." "I wish you hadn't said that, because now I have to go too." "Why didn't I bring something to eat?" "I wasn't hungry until you mentioned something to eat!") our Rescuers showed up and I've never been as happy to see a car drive straight at me without signs of stopping.

Being home also never felt so good :)

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