Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

Sheltering Blackbird

It is a very blustery day; I can hear the wind blowing across the top of the chimney, along the electricity wires, and around the side of the house. The clouds outside are racing along, and next door's swing is imitating the motions of a young child.

I did my usual Saturday exercises this morning, as I'd been up and out for a walk yesterday. Then, after a rest, I went for a short walk in the neighbourhood. It isn't that cold outside, but even the pigeons are struggling with the wind. 

I came across this blackbird by accident. He was perched in a bush of berries by a garden wall - eating the berries. I was really close, and am delighted to have some shots. My views on blackbirds have changed over the last few years. I used to think they were boring garden birds - until I discovered that one of the most beautiful songs in the area is the blackbird. This week, I read an article in the RSPB magazine about the blackbird. I didn't realise it is a migrant, arriving in Autumn from Scandinavia. Of course they won't be allowed in after March 29th....

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