knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Dog and duck

Managed to escape the house again today.
First stop was the physio who's happy with how I'm doing so that's good.
I then battled through the wind and the rain to the sanctuary of Once A Sheep. Had a lovely time catching up with Karen and other friends.
Quickly dived by Old Maiden Aunt on the way back to pick up my last yarn club package. Colour is fab and looking forward to getting the pattern tomorrow.
Spent the evening trying to decide whether to send back thom's Christmas presents as he keeps changing mind but we've managed to talk him round we think to what we've got him.
Just booked tickets to go to the panto over the holidays. Haven't been for years and can't wait.
The blip is of gonzo all snuggled up with his new favourite toy duck. Not sure how long duck will last as he's lost a wing now, but he's keeping gonzo happy.

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