Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

First snowdrops

I spotted these snowdrops while walking home this evening,  not the sharpest as I had to take them through a fence but they are the first I have seen.
Cursillo meeting today and an Epiphany party,  nice to catch up with everybody there. I walked home from Arboretum via Stockbridge....carrying a bottle of wine in my rucksack which I had won in a raffle about 9 months ago and which Jean has been looking after ever since for me. It certainly made itself felt in my rucksack I can tell you. Enjoyed wandering the charity shops of Stockbridge en route and managed not to spot Meles taking a picture of the fishmonger's window. After a quick touchbase and cup of tea at home, I  went out to do a few more of my days allocation of steps.  I did a quick circuit around the library at Scout's pace,  In this case 30 steps running then 30 walking.  I did 0.8 of a mile in 11 minutes which is 14 minutes per mile..... and I didn't die afterwards.....frankly I'm amazed. That also makes 50 miles done this month already and we are only at the 12th.
I don't think I'll do so well next month in the heat of India though .
Steps 13651

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