Au revoir, Izzy

I worked from home this morning so that I could spend some time with Izzy before she leaves. I went out for a run once Dan and Abi had gone to school and when I got back, Iz was on the phone to the security guy for her next job, which will be in South Sudan. 

She was obviously pretty excited about the whole thing although it's nerve-racking for me. "He said the snake guy there is really good. A snake guy!" she told me cheerfully, then proceeding to tell me about the various protocols they have in place and I chatted along and tried not to look too worried. 

At lunch time we went out to the café at Ireby for something to eat. Iz was on great form, one minute laughing about the snakes and the bugs ("I've changed my mind; I'm not going") and then just generally gooning around, the way she always has.

I was so sad when we hugged goodbye on the platform at Bentham but she was still joking about as she climbed on the train and blew me a kiss and gave me a big grin as she pulled away. Man, I'm going to miss her. 

-10.5 kgs
Reading: 'The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook' by Michael Brooks

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