This was my invitation to just sitting on twitter approximately 9 hours ago -
"i was meant to be out but now i'm in and i ain't gonna blip my dinner for no-one. fancy being blipped and sliced?"
He was very obliging and got to pick the numbers which he did with far more difficulty than my two girls (aged 9 and 6, lest we forget) have ever encountered. Because, even at their tender ages, they know the difference between a 6 and a 9.
3 8 9 10 7 5 6 2 1 4
Some suitable music to close.
no static[/url] has started his top ten albums of the year today. Check out his selection. I'm going to give you a bit of a list right at the end of the year. Last year my album of the year didn't even feature in my list because I heard it too late. Won't happen again. Promise.]
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