Wet Whisper

Merlin has always had a thing for ears. I wouldn't call it a fetish but he certainly gets a certain amount of pleasure from sticking his nose in them. OK, maybe an innocent kitty fetish then. The recipient of his attentions, in this case me, is left with a drooly, wet earhole and a feeling of mild disgust. But we love him and it's his way of showing affection.

Jo cut my hair tonight (does it show?) and I was going to revive a previous blip of the back of my head. After a couple of tries I spied Merlin on the floor and picked him up for a cuddle. So I have ended up with something new anyway.

I have a cracking headache and a backache tonight. The two afflictions are possibly related and probably the result of sitting in front of a computer all day. Much was accomplished though so it is almost worth it.

Listening to Booker T and the MG's. Fine music.

I might have to turn in early. Again.

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