Two amigos

Awful nights sleep......bed at midnight, awake from 2.30, downstairs drinking tea at 4.30, managed 4 hours between 5-9 :-/

Had to be up and out as we had already planned to walk into town, have brunch, before walking back, then driving to our Patients Panel meeting at our GP practice. We had a Dementia Awareness training session hosted by someone from the Public Health team at the local Council, it just so happened to be someone I used to work with, which was a lovely surprise :-) We are all now 'Dementia Friends' really is worthwhile and explained quite a few things, thinking back to what happened with Dad in law and my mum too!
They are happy to provide training to any kind of group....the aim is to have 4m dementia friends by 2020, apparently they are over half way to this figure:-)

The weather has been grey and drizzly, but we took a walk mid afternoon and came across a lady walking her three whippets......8, 4 and 10 months. The elder statesman was off in the woods chasing something or other, so she and the youngsters were stood waiting for his,I blipped them after waiting in the hope that the third one would appear, so I could blip the "three amigos" but he didnt reappear in time, soits just two!!! Dont you think they look like the amigos though?!!!!

Didnt get the result I was hoping for when I got weighed, just a maintain, rather than a loss.....but not a gain I guess :-/

I made a beef curry from scratch for dinner, with brown basmati rice, it was really nice!

Then we were off out to the quiz......I wasnt sure how much use I would be, as I was so tired, but didnt do too badly, should have been joint second, but missed out by 4 points, chose the wrong option twice :-/

Back blipped 11/1/19

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