Proper Brrrrrr!

There was first on the ground when I let the chickens out this morning! Real proper frost! And ice on their water! What's that all about then?!

Today now seems a blur as I ended up with 3 extra boys for tea. This was the sky as I picked one of them up - straight out of the iPhone without a fiddle or a tweak!

I shall now have a Withers style rant. The smallest boy and indeed his big brother are not coat wearers. For whatever reason, they do not see the need. I gave up the fight long ago as really, there's no need. So Al carets his coat to and from school in his bag and I carry Reddy's coat so he doesn't drag it through the dog shit in the dog shit alley which is another rant.

Anyway, the lovely nursery staff got into trouble yesterday because some of the children were Red was outside without a coat on. Which is just ridiculous. The smallest boy will tell me if he is cold and will wear hat and gloves (like his brother). He will even wear his coat. But mostly he is not cold. And the staff know this.

So leave them alone and let them get on with their job and if you do not like it, remove your child and send it somewhere else and make everyone's life happier.

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