
By TheHairyPict

King penguin incubating egg

Landed at a beach called Gold Harbour this morning, in the south west of South Georgia.  A glacier almost reaches the sand and pebble beach which is covered in fur seals and female elephant seals as well as another huge colony of king penguins (another 60,000 breeding pairs). Gentoo's as well and opportunistic antarctic skuas and giant petrels patrolling around on the lookout for unguarded eggs or weak individuals. Giant petrels are sea-vultures, graceful in the air but ugly looking dinosaurs on the ground. In the afternoon we went into Drygalski Fjord in the extreme south west of South Georgia. There's nowhere to land, it's a steep sided fjord of volcanic rock, like Milford Sound in southern New Zealand but with glaciers --- extremely impressive scenery, made more imposing by the fact that it was gray and cloudy. I hadn't intended to post another picture of a king penguin so soon after yesterday's, but who could resist this one?

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