Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Shattered Lines

My entry for this week's abstract Thursday.  I rarely participate in this challenge because I'm never quite sure what's considered an abstract.  I didn't have much free time today so I took a picture of my bedspread and ran it through Pixlr Express. Thanks to Ingeborg for continuing to host.

Beth was here in the morning to clean while I spent most of that time trying to get my mother to hear me and keep wearing her oxygen.  She was not having a good day. I'm also having difficulty getting referrals for her specialists, even the ones she has been seeing right along before the insurance change.  Insurance is so NOT patient-centered. The PSE special interest group (SIG) I like to attend at the camera club started meeting in the afternoon now instead of 9:30.  I don't like to leave early because I don't want Mom to wake up to an empty house.  Even if I leave a note she's afraid I'm not coming back.  But with the class later in the day, Beth will start coming at 9 am (she's in the class, too) and someone will be here while I'm gone.  I thought it was supposed to begin at one o'clock but I was a half-hour early.  Just as well, it got me out of the house that much longer. Later, we went to the ICF meeting at church and she ate an entire plateful of food. That was a pleasant change.

I wish I could get up to Madera Canyon and be able to walk around.  People are very excited right now.  There's a nesting pair of Elegant Trogans hanging out in one very visible area and a couple quite rare birds for the area have been spotted, especially some kind of thrush.  Someone in class had a couple of lousy shots of it but they were so far away, even when Linda enlarged it we had difficulty seeing it.  The bird is pretty drab but the visiting birders are going nuts.

Here I am, unable to sleep again so up in the middle of the night to post a blip. Here's today giggle...
Q: What do you call a group of rabbits hopping backwards?
A: A receding hare line

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