
Grey old day marmalade making.  I managed to buy some lovely plump Seville oranges at the market and have spent the day wallowing in the glorious smells while cooking them.  Mmmm!!

Somehow a dog is always the wrong side of the door.. but this opens up opportunities for sweet photos.. this is her ladyship waiting to be allowed in.  She really didn't understand why l didnt just Open the Door and instead stood there trying to get a good photo!!

Titling this 'Out' reminded me of a joke my father used to tell about two skunks.

There were once two young skunks named In and Out.  When In was in Out was out and when Out was in then In was out but on this occasion they asked their mother if they could go outside and play together.
Their mother said yes, but only for an hour.
An hour later Out came in.
Their mother asked Out "Where's In?" 
'Out' said Out.
'Well' said their mother 'please will you go out and bring In in'
So out went Out and about 10 seconds later, Out came back in with In.
Their mother asked Out 'How did you find In so quickly'
 "Easy!" Out replied....

(and on this occasion l am pleased to say Flossie was out but with no stinks rolled in!)

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