Flight of fieldfares

A bitterly cold day, with a hard frost first thing. I drove Alex to Huntingdon, which enabled me to enjoy the most dramatic multicoloured sunrise, even though I couldn't stop to photograph it. I then had an hour of pampering at the hairdresser and took Daisy to the vet, as her eye was rather sore and drippy - luckily it's just conjunctivitis and should clear up with some antibiotic eye-drops.

By the time we could take Rosie out, the brilliant sunshine had been replaced with white cloud. We went to Crown Lakes (where I photographed the waxwings) and were amazed at the number of fieldfares and redwings around - there must have been several thousand. Certainly the plentiful crop of hawthorn berries has been decimated. The harsh call of the fieldfares resounded around the lake and every now and then a whole flock would take to the air and swoop aver our heads.

It was impossible to capture the spectacle photographically, especially with the rather flat unappealing light, but this high-key flight shot gives an impression of what it was like - though I really should have recorded a sound-track too!!

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