
By GracieG

A Most Enjoyable Musical Afternoon

This photo is a bit of a cheat really, it's the design on the folding doors in the exhibition area at Norfolk Wildlife Trust Visitor Centre at Cley.  M, B and I went along to see H's husband give a talk called Fur, Fins and Feathers, all about how nature has influenced composers and their music.  He played an eclectic mix of various pieces of music, mostly chosen to reflect birds and animals from the Norfolk coast.  The link below was the music he chose for a white stag which he and H had seen at Holkham Hall during a walk there. It's by composer Peter Gundry, it really is a lovely piece if you've time to listen.

The picture is of a Pink-Foot Goose, we have flocks of these flying over our house morning and evening, I love to hear them call to each other as they fly over.

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