Between the lines - Can't we meet in the middle?
After listening to the wanna be dictator in chief last night, I couldn't just sit by and not say something....
I respect he was elected president
I respect the Office of the Presidency
I don't respect the man
He needs to have a civics lesson that we have three branches of government. Legislature, Judicial and Executive.. The primary reason of course is to serve ALL the people, prevent a king, dictator or ruler and a"check" on each of the branches of government...
For 16 years I hauled produce out of the farm fields of Washington and California. The white owners were the only ones to speak English. I routinely saw men and women in 100+ F / 37+ C heat, working the fields that no white man or women is willing to do, especially for the little pay and zero safety net they have.. This year American farms had food rotting because of the so few workers to do the job..
I'm blessed to have met Cesar Chavez in person and a dear friend took a picture of my sister and I with him. I have met many Migrant Workers over the years.. They just like me is just looking for a chance at a better life... So these two songs sums up my feelings today....
The first one here
The second one here
By the way... I'm the third generation mom's side and to far to count on my dad's side of immigrants...
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