Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Puffin away

I love my little puffin ceramic picture. It reminded me today that the deposit for my trip to Iona in 2020 is paid. Amazing to have to book so far in advance.
A mixed day today of being things done! Church first, then after the service I finished off the comments board that I started yesterday. Back home to start working on the minutes for yesterday's vestry meeting then put together a short guide to tidying up after the service... all go.
Didn't do much walking today but that's ok as my weekly target is completed. I've also done 34 miles of the 75 I committed too in my race at your pace challenge. It looks like I could probably have managed the 100, but with all the preparation for going away I didn't want to over commit myself.
8892 steps.

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