Photomuncher's Spot

By photomuncher

Tricky Assignment: extra-trick technology

I wonder if anyone else has tried to photograph an activity watch on their wrist, holding the camera in their other hand.  Before you all pile in, let me add one further requirement - you have to do so with a 45mm lens on a MFT camera (90mm full frame). If so, you may, like me, soon find that your arms are too short and your joints less flexible than you thought: not to mention the impossibility to seeing what's in the frame or in focus.

Why would anyone in their right mind use a 45mm lens?  Well, just because the ideal alternative lens, the 14-42mm is aware for a repair under warranty.  Needs must eh?

All this serves to introduce the Polar M 430 I got from Santa.  What a little gem it is!  A proper example of trick technology!

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