This morning we had a coffee-time visit from our lovely friend, Heather and her equally lovely husband, Michael.  They have been very kind in supplying me with Bonne Maman jars into which I decant my home-made chutney so when she messaged to say they were passing and asked if I would like some more jars, had she been close, it’s fair to say I would have “bitten her hand off”  as the saying goes! 

I had just two jars of Blackberry and Apple, their favourite chutney in the cupboard so said they had their name on them. They were delighted so a swap was done this morning - ten empty jars - plus the pretty tops from jars they had finished - for two full jars and everyone was happy. 

When I arranged them all on the table in the conservatory, Heather wasn’t at all surprised - and neither was Mr. HCB - because they both said they could feel a Blip coming on, but Michael did look a little puzzled, bless him - don’t think he sees my Blips every day like Heather does. 

The first shot was rubbish because I was shooting directly into the sun so I got a piece of card and stood it behind the jars - then Heather very obligingly knelt behind the jars to hold it in place - what a great friend.  I didn’t even have to ask her - she volunteered, “But only”, she said, “As long as you don’t get me in the shot!” So I did as she asked and only photographed the jars, except for one sneaky shot! 

We had a lovely time together and after they left, I decided to pop over to the Swindon 105.5 Radio Station to surprise another friend, Vikki, who presents the “Girls About Town” programme. I thought I would just be “sitting in” to see how she did things but before I knew it I was live on air!!  I was completely unprepared - although I had put some lipstick on before I left home - I know it's radio, but one still has to look one's best (!) so when she asked me about my poems and photographs, I gave a good “plug” for Blip and then read a couple of poems. 

I really enjoyed it so Vikki has asked me to go back next Wednesday between 10 and 11 to read and chat some more with her, Harriet, Shaheen and Morgan, Vikki’s son, who definitely said he was NOT “A Girl About Town”!!  

Shirley, the Station Manager, has asked me if I would like to join a 6 week course to learn the basics of radio presenting - so I will stay on after the programme next week for the first session. 

Life is getting exciting so watch this space - I will let you know more after next week. 

“I give best when I give 
     from that deeper place; 
          when I give simply, 
               freely and generously, 
                    and sometimes 
for no particular reason. 
I give best 
     when I give 
          from my heart.” 
Steve Goodier

P.S.  Confession time - I couldn’t resist this shot with just the top of Heather’s head showing above the piece of card - that could be me off next year’s Christmas card list! 

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