With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Back through Orient

Expedition to Alaro castle! We set off at a good time in the morning so that we could make sure we got a table in Es Verger. We galloped up the road route and enjoyed spectacular views from the top and then split into two groups to see which way back was the fastest. The low path proved a bit faster, though it can be a bit tricky to speed down. We saw quite a few pink faces struggling up in the sun. Katja and Ben found the best table in the house above the fire and we settles down to an enormous lunch, even bringing some arroz brut home. Mich, Karen, Katje and Ellie set back in the van and I drove back through my favourite valley of Orient to be treated to a bonus of low light hitting a tree in the distance and a patch of vibrant grass.

We are now digesting lunch, while I am still struggling with the blasted fire. What a fab day. Thanks girls for great company and a blast of much needed fresh air. It really feels like a holiday.

The full set of shots are here.

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