Extra Surreality
It's that kind of day - grey, windy, cold and now lashing - what a contrast to yesterday's golden sunset. A very hasty rush out into the garden in my wellies to take a blip of the reflection of the sculpture in the pond - a bit of extra zoomification has been added for extra surreality. This is what it looks like the right way round.
The first results of the bird survey were entered to day at school - they are such awful cheats! I'm quite certain we didn't see any wrens or a hoard of long tailed tits- filling in the form was a nightmare. Still, we're on our way.
We've just had another austerity budget over here, the biggest scandal being a 10 euro cut off all child allowance, regardless of your income. It makes depressing reading and does little to encourage growth or renewal.
Still, the baked potaotes are in, the fire's blazing, curtains drawn and no work till Tuesday.
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