Seven jars of chutney for a seventh blip birthday

[Actually I made more than seven jars, but this fitted the bill for the blipday.]

Today marks seven years (kind of, according to blip calculations at least) since I joined Blipfoto: Happy Blipday to me!

Since it is my practice to review the goings-on in the life of hazelh from one significant Blipfoto milestone to the next, it is with some relief that I realised earlier today that my last milestone was only a couple of months ago when I hit 2500 blips on 14th November.

This means that I don't have much to reflect on in this entry, at least in terms of time. However, I experienced a major 'life event' in this period: the death of my darling Daddy on 7th December. My blips from 27th November 2018 chart his decline, including a very bizarre couple of days during which I felt like I was trapped in a Beckett play (1st December, 2nd December and 3rd December).

The other 'big' stories, which are really quite minor in comparison, are that (a) I suffered flu followed by a nasty cough and cold from 11th December until 27th, and (b) I managed to enjoy the Christmas holidays in spite of everything else going on in my life.

These are my three favourite blips since my last blip milestone:

Playing with puddles on 20th November 2018
Winter Meadows early morning on 12th December 2018
Cranes at Battersea on 17th December 2018

Thank you to everyone who visits my journal, and especially those who regularly leave comments. Your kindness over the period of my father's final illness and eventual death has been much appreciated.

Now to the usual... My day today comprised just a couple of activities: a bike ride to check the graffiti work of Brian (sadly he was not there in person - he seems to favour Sallymair); a trip to the local supermarkets with Mummy hazelh; and chutney making with Mummy hazelh. In the midst of all this two of our neighbours appeared with invitations for my mother. One will take her for a walk around our communal garden tomorrow, and another has invited us for coffee at the weekend.

Exercise today: 10 mile bike ride.

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