Walking on Water

On my way to the gym this morning I stopped of at Falmer village, actually hoping to see a Robin as they’re usually in the churchyard.  I could hear them, but didn’t see them, however, there were lots of other birds and this gull caught my eye, stood on the rock.  The sun was rising and there was such a lovely light over the pond which was made even more interesting by the cloud formation.  Blip done, I carried on to the gym.

Back home to let the boys out and to shower and get ready for work, and then I caught the bus into Hove earlier than normal as I had a lunch date with Steffi.  It was great to catch up, we always seem to have a giggle, but next time we must meet for a glass of wine!

I started work at 2pm and I’m still here with 45 mins to go.  It’s quiet now though and I’ve done everything so I’ll go and see what you’ve been up to today.

I'm home now and  on looking through my photos I've decided to change the image, so my original choice is now in my extras.  Apologies to those who have already commented.

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