Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The cat’s whiskers

Scout and Dylan were unusually close today and spent a lot of time hanging out together and grooming each other. This was good as Scout can otherwise be very demanding and loves to climb over you at the most inopportune times.

My day was chilled for the most part although I did manage a twenty minute session at the gym. I ummed and aahd about this but decided rejoining it was probably the only practical way I was going to improve my fitness levels given that I am still tied to a desk four days a week. I used to be a regular (it is literally two minutes away) and you soon get back into the mind boggling inanity of it all: the insane music videos; the young guys strutting around like bulging peacocks and the older ones like me whose anthem is the 70s Fame song "Stayin’ Alive"; the paradox of an environment that manages to be both sweaty and sterile at the same time ...

Did manage a walk into town as well. The elusive vegan sausage roll had sold out again at Greggs; I am beginning to wonder if it is the unicorn of fast food and only rumoured but never seen.

The other exciting thing I did today was put down some rug grippers. That was curiously satsfying ...

TSM had a busy day as a local GP surgery burnt down before the day had even started. The long term NHS plan was also published at noon. A pleasantly dull affair, it does set some agreeable priorities and offers continuity without radical distraction. He may be another Tory Boy but I am beginning to think the new(ish) Secretary of State for Health is at least sensible and listens to advice.

Back to work tomorrow. Bummer.

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