Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

It gives me chills

Sweetest fragile air, so brittle upon a frozen lip, make of my smile a stilled statue. In breathy gasps, lungs full of prickly air spew clouds of swirling mist into the glacial atmosphere. Twinkling diamonds roll from the edge of my eye, they make slow passage down a bitter cold cheek. Hands griping so tight as if they can stop my wheels from slipping on glassy paths. Shoulders clenched and grim determination forged in the will of my soul keep my legs pounding to bring the warmth from the furnace of my heart.

Over the frosted bridge, crested in sparkling white. Down, down, feet upon the ground to the grate at the bottom. The common so still and deserted. Here my heart stopped for the frozen tranquility. In so solid swirling mists of my visible breath I stood, gossamer smoky trails dissipating into the hard ground. My feet so cold as to join me to the frozen land, become one, symbiotic life frosted together, to watch, to feel, the start of a new day.

In painful slowness the sky from royal purple to burnt orange changed. Upon its magical gowned edges light stole away the stars, making night retreat to her slumber for another day.

As features grew....shadows formed.....frosted ground....rock hard leafs lay in impossible angles.......Robin song sprung into the air and day had come.

Another day....more magic to see....

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