
By DonnaWanna

I don't want to!

I thought I would post a final picture of Miss Tiddles in her 2012 coat as she is off to the MeeOw Beauty Parlour in the morning for her yearly hair cut.

She really hates being put into a transporting cat carrier and if she has any inkling that its about to happen she will run away and hide.

Once I get her into the cage she starts this awful howling meow and as we approach the car this gets worse. She keeps this up until we get there, and then it's just a whispered whimper :(

She has to be anaesthetised to be shaved with only her sweet head and lovely tail being spared. They also give her a complete checkup and cut her nails.

She comes out of there like a stunned mullet (good Auzzie description) and there isn't a peep out of her on the way home. By the end of the day she is loving the cool feeling of life without the coat :)

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