Today is 'National Cuddle Day' and apparently cuddling releases oxytocin. And oxytocin produces warm and fuzzy feelings as well as having some health benefits including reducing pain. Research has also shown that oxytocin reduces the chances of heart disease, blood pressure and anxiety.

Mmmmmm................... I'm not really a cuddly type of dog. I love being tickled behind my ears and I love my tummy being tickled and I love going to Ann for a reassuring little pat on my head. But as for sitting around being cuddled............................ I'm far too rufty, tufty for that?

Anyway today, 'Ann said, 'Molly, I will go mad if I spend another day sitting around watching day time TV. I'm going out for the day and you can either come with me or you can stay home alone.' Well, I'd only been in the field for 10 mins and I need more exercise than that so I ran to the front door straight away.

We went to Newquay for our day out. Normally when we go to Newquay we park at the far end of Fistral Beach and do a big huge circuit around Newquay which is about 6-7 miles. Newquay is great because it has loads of beaches that I can go on and I also love walking up the Gannel Estuary.

Today we parked down by the boating lake and did a mini-circuit. (Probably about 3-4 miles). We missed out going to Fistral Beach, the Gannel Estuary & Pentire Point but Ann was worried that I'd get tired and she didn't know how we'd get back to the car if I did.  Another reason to spend most of our life in Edinburgh – When I go on my walks there, Ann always has 'emergency bus fare' so we can jump on a bus home if I get tired.

Our weather app said it was 10c but we're sure it was warmer. Ann had to take off her gloves and undo her anorak. And after we'd trekked around for more than 2 hours we sat outside at the 'Garden Cafe'.  Ann had a sausage melt toastie. And guess what?...................... Because I'd been such a good girl (and hadn't walked in snail mode when I was on my lead) she shared. Yay! I got two little bits of sausage. Yum!

I'm a bit tired now though. As soon as I got into the house I went straight into my bed for a snooze. My dinner has been out for an hour but I can't be bothered to eat it. Going out for the day has made me sleepy.


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