Rock on.

J dropped me off at the gym earlier than usual, as he was going out on his motorbike. It's his birthday today, so how could I ague? It was full house in the gym, and the first time we have seen Vic since before Christmas. John arrived a bit later, and it's his birthday today as well. Ann, another regular gave him a birthday kiss, so nor to be outdone, I gave him a kiss as well. Des, shouted over, it's my birthday as well.I think he was a tad jealous. I walked home,  the first time for ages, and I saw another painted stone, in exactly, the same tree as the last time. Of course, I brought it home, and will take it with me when I go away next. J arrived home about an hour after I did, and I am cooking him a nice birthday meal. We are having, rump steak with peppercorn sauce, mushrooms, onion rings, and chunky chips. Dessert is mini macaroons, and the wine is a bottle of Bordeaux red wine, which a friend gave him this morning, just before he left. 

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