Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55


Arthur can not tell a week day from a weekend one, so he miaows from 6am until he gets Paul or me to serve his first breakfast. Paul is a lark to my owl, so by 8am Arthur was ready for a mini second breakfast, and it meant I could get a few things done before Church.
I have been to Christian Fellowship with some friends and enjoyed singing and praising the Lord and listening to a good sermon about giving our burdens to God. Burdens are worries, frustrations and miseries that could have been in the subconscious since childhood and can bring you down.
God wants us well, unburdened and joyful, so all the negativity, such as doubts and fears come essentially from the kingdom of darkness.
We can decide to make the prayer intention to be set free from our burdens and there are many bible verses to support this, Psalm 54 v 22 being a relevant one .Also Matthew 11 v 29.
I have set up a few things to do with Aromatherapy.
In the courier post, my new Tisserand orange and lemon oils arrived.
They were affordable, organic and blend well. Useful in a bath or a diffuser, both being uplifting. It is cold, damp and dull weather, so they are a good source of joy.
My living room smells lovely as I watch The Secret Garden.

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