I, Daniel Blake

I cried my way through I, Daniel Blake again. The last time I was at the cinema over two years ago was to see this film with the foodbank team. It was not any easier to watch the second time and things are certainly not any better for those trying to sort through the minefield of the changeover of benefits.

This scene with Katie eating straight out of a can of beans puts everything in perspective when folk are desperate for food.

I used to volunteer behind the scenes, so didn't have much contact with people coming to the foodbank for food, but always upset me especially when I got a specific list to do - to be picked up by referral organisation to take to client.

Blip of TV Clip with hankie in front & glass filter - to rep crying.

Yesterday's Morse Code

"Did you have a walkie talkie when you were a kid? I must get some batteries to see if they still work, but don't know if they are legal to use.  Never learnt Morse Code but it was fun and interesting looking up information about it. Think SOS was the only thing I remember DOT DOT DOT DASH DASH DASH DOT DOT DOT"

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