
By DancingAly


I had to get up early to be in Guildford for 9am for an appointment. Bad luck during the holidays, and predictably it was pretty painful getting up at 7am....

However, whilst it was really cold, the sun shone the entire day, and by 11am I'd also gotten my car washed and checked off a few little jobs off my list. 

I had a nice scrambled egg breakfast and then mum and I took Little B for a walk. It was really beautiful out there (not quite as nice as the beach front walk in San Diego!) and it was nice to walk and talk. I've felt a bit yucky the last few days, but as soon as I get out in the fresh air I always feel so much better. 

After we got back, Lucy came round to play :-) We had a nice time for the next couple of hours but it was pretty tiring! She liked the Christmas tree ornaments and kept walking around and pointing as she wondered where it had gone. No more being held and looking for the Christmas dog, the angel bear and the little bell- until next year anyway. 

Another rejection today but possibly the nicest one I've ever had. A passed me the details of a publisher friend of a friend, and I sent off my submission just before Christmas. Little did I know that it's an agency run by an actress who played David Mardsen's boss in Cold Feet! It was a very upbeat and cheerful email and it really makes all the difference when somebody takes the time to write a nice response rather than just slamming the door in your face. She felt her market was more US based than UK, but wished me the best of luck. And agreed that teacher's do a great job under huge strain! I love her already! 

I tentatively sent my book to another friend, a lady who I worked with who's just left. Apparently over xmas she couldn't put it down (all 120K words of it) and wrote me a lovely email to tell me how much she enjoyed it. 

It cheered me up, and as she reminded me "you only need one!" (publisher).

It will happen. 

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