Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Watch this space...

Today I met Brian. Brian is preparing the bridge under Telford Rd for the next chapter of street art. I'm afraid that Hazelh's haze paper is about to go - see top image of the collage which was taken last week. The other two images are today's and show Brian painting out to create a clean surface ready to be painted up tomorrow.
We had a lengthy chat, he said he felt like a man from the council! He got the boring bits to do and his mates would be coming tomorrow to do the real painting - apparently it takes about a day to paint up a new design. He said that the section he was painting out had been done by a guy from New Zealand, and that he felt bad painting over it after he'd come such a long way but it was time for change.
I asked if I could take his picture working and he agreed.
We'd a long conversation about why I was taking the picture which got us onto Blip, he was very interested and said he'd look up the app. If you do Brian, welcome.
Quietish day today, started by pruning the roses which is a job long overdue, however now done! After that out for a circular walk round D'mains, Silverknowes and Craigleith, which was when I meet Brian.
I got home around 3.30 and decided to drive down to Waitrose at Comely Bank to check whether they had marmalade oranges in. I now have a supply and so over the next week or so I will make a couple of batches of marmalade. Not, like last year, making marmalade the day before flying to India. That was a bit too hectic even for me!
Going to record and watch "Fantastic Beasts and Where to find Them" later on this evening.

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