Off centre

Another grey day. I toyed with a bike ride but without much conviction.

Instead, I went for a walk with Mrs S and the dogs along the riverbank in Haddy. Which only confirmed how grey and cold it was.

Which all meant that the slow cooker was dusted down and I started up a sausage, mushroom and tomato casserole. And then I used the cooking time to join hordes of others at the recycling centre with a car full of cardboard, cans and bottles.

Stopped off at the cafe on the way home and hatched plans for next years Hogmanay - never too early to start these things, apparently.

Then it was home to make some mash to go with the casserole and then get stuck in. Perfect January fodder and we discussed the casting for a Muppets version of Lord Of The Rings while we were tucking in.

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