
My Dear Princess Normal & Dear Fellows,

Yet another kitty-shot. Today it is of Punky, hanging out in my laundry and pretending to be a pair of knickers.

Clean laundry. I need to emphasise this. Punky does not smell of bums.

Today has been a very lazy day of no incident. It had to be thus. Cazza had a migraine* and so I put on very quiet programmes. My favourite was BBC's Natural World programme all about squirrels. I bloody love squirrels and miss them a lot in this squirrel-deprived country. Back in the 90's I used to go to Princes Street gardens every lunchtime with a bag o' nuts and let myself get mugged by them, running up my pant leg with a nut-crazed look in their little rodenty eyes.

There must have been a squirrel-cull in Edinburgh city centre after that, because the few that you see there now are nowhere near as cheeky as they were.

But cute though they are, you must be careful. Soozle once got attacked by a squirrel. No, really! She did! I remember she and I were feeding the squirrels from our hands in Peasholm Park in Scarborough - this must have been about 1993 and the next thing I knew she was yelling and waving her hand about with a squirrel attached to her thumb.

It was just a young squirrel, and I think it panicked when she realised she was an actual live person and not a rock or a tree wearing a skirt. So anyway, it bit right through her thumb-nail. She wasn't badly hurt, but it was a shock. Now I would never feed squirrels from my hand, just throw my nuts at them and then watch them scurry around, burying their food and then patting down the earth with their adorable little paws.

So that was the highlight of my day. A squirrel show. And Punky being pants. I sometimes think I should pack my life with more incident to make this blip more exciting for you to read.


* Actual migraine, not one of my "migraines". 

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