Road Win

About 20 minutes before the junior varsity bus left today for our game at East Linn Christian in Lebanon (about 100 miles away), my JV coach calls, says he is sick with the flu, and cannot make the game. That means I have to coach it. Since I was not ready, I agreed to meet the team there, and Tom and I would drive up. The trade off for having to coach two games was that it was a more comfortable ride, and it had better music than the bus. At the moment this was taken (in panoramic style, hence the three hands), we were listening to a great version of The Grateful Dead’s “Friend of the Devil” performed by Tom Petty. We won both games I coached tonight, and in the varsity game, granddaughter Grace had a team high 19 points and 7 rebounds. It was a late night, but a good night.

“I lit out for Reno I was trailed by 20 hounds. Didn’t get to sleep last night til the morning came around. Set out running but I’ll take my time, a friend of the devil is a friend of mine. If I get home before daylight, just might get some sleep... tonight.”

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