Sammy on da Cooch

A dull and showery morning, but it cleared into a better day.  Breezy this evening, but dry.

The alarm went off this morning, and to my shock, I woke and headed to work.  My first day back to work in the museum, and been working on the desk all day.  I've kept busy all day.  Been down to mam's this evening, and now feet up for the night.  I seem to be doing good today, only cigarette was at 8am, that's been 15 hours now and no nicotine replacement, fingers crossed I crack it this time. 

When I was down at mam's, we headed up to see sis Laura and her lasses.  They were busy doing teenager things, and playing games.  Poor Sammy often gets brushed aside nowadays, the days of the lasses charging around with him are over, but he still tries.  Tonight he focused on sneaking up on the couch to get closer to Eve.  Taken at Laura's, Blett, Cunningsburgh.  

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