
He looks like a teddybear but actually he is a very bad boy. 
As the cats are still not coming out of their rooms I decided that Oscar needed to get used to at least Milkshake so allowed him supervised access to her room before we went to bed. He was fine till he decided to bounce / pounce on her, not sure whether in play or attack, so I told him off  and took him out of the room. Unfortunatly FatCat was on the landing and he flew at her, chased her downstairs and got her under the kitchen table. I grabbed him and threw him in the conservatory and went to check on Fatcat who had fled upstairs.
Only she was on the stairs and she had obvioulsy sustained damage to her back leg. As I approached her she flew at me and caught my finger, and I had to shake her off. Now dripping copious amounts of blood I ran my finger under the tap and wrapped it in kitchen towel before going back to her. She growled at me and I stood there not knowing what to do. I decided to see to  my finger - so much blood! I smothered my finger and other scartches in antiseptic cream and put a plaster on it. Oscar decided to follow me back into the kitchen and went straight to the door to get back up the stairs - so I threw him into the garden! Not chastised enough! I then went back to FatCat. She was now calmer and managed to drag herself back into her room. No open wounds so I think she has strained her leg in some way, I put food and water and a litter tray in there, shut the door, checked on Milkshake and then allowed Oscar back in.He was chastened. We both made it to bed - he didn't attempt to get on the bed! I was now feeling the effects of the whole traumatic experience and fell asleep listening to a calming talk from one of my Anxiety phone apps! Not a happy household!

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