
By Mydaytoday2018

Bridge ramp

The new ramp was completed before Christmas, and makes for much easier access. The main photo shows where the ramp means the old swin bridge, anaitional photo shows the attractive curvature of the ramp to make it easy to walk/bike/push prams/wheelchairs etc

Frida met up up with her Dunedin Vizsla boyfriend. They were so thrilled to see each other. We enjoyed meeting up with Boris’s owner. Walked for an 11/2.
Then I met up with 5 of the 7 NZ women I flatted with in London 50 years ago! We had lunch together as 4 happened to be in the area. there was a lot of talking!

Had a quick swim, then prepared for friends coming for a BBQ, and they have just left.

I couldn’t load my photo earlier...has anyone else had trouble?

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