
By caitielou

Please, anywhere but here

I was absolutely dying to get out of Moûtiers today! With all the snow we've been getting I've felt pretty cooped up and unable to really go anywhere. Spencer and I have Wednesdays off because our schools don't have classes on Wednesdays, so we took advantage of the opportunity and went up to Bourg St. Maurice today. We visited my coordinator in her new apartment and afterwards did a bit of Christmas shopping for a Yankee Swap we have coming up. All in all, it was a lovely outing and a successful shopping trip and the best part was seeing the holiday lights up in the town. Ours in Moûtiers will be turned on on December 10th, which is really too bad. It's awfully gray and cloudy and wet and cold and the lights do really improve the whole scene, but we don't have much longer to wait. Anyway, as you can see we have here a sapin de Noël and some snowflakes adorning a streetlamp. I've got to stop taking photos a night because they just don't turn out as nicely as I wish they would, but it's dark by mid-afternoon so I do what I can.

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