Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Oh I do like to be ...

.. beside the Thameside.

We went up to London and started with some shopping at Borough market. Really nice atmosphere, busy but not heaving (if you’ve never been there it can, particularly on a Saturday in the summer, turn into a sweaty, unpleasant, jostling mob). We bought bread and oil and spices and enjoyed a bracing walk along the river, stopping for a snack and a coffee at FBC by Blackfriars. Nice place, and you can get the worlds best vegan doughnuts from a little kiosk opposite.

Shape Shifters is in its last few days at The Hayward (see extras) so we went there and had some huge fun with the mirrors and monoliths and lens-like installations. They did make me feel a little queasy though, inducing a somewhat seasick sensation, particularly the big mirror that floated and revolved above your head.

The gulls were out in force, perched like tourists discussing the merits of the architecture on the north bank. But it felt cold so we had lunch in Wagamamas before coming home and crashing out. Took down the Christmas tree; another season done (unless you believe in keeping things going until twelfth night).

TGR is having intravenous antibiotics out in Canada poor thing; the long running dental saga has caused an abscess. But Mr K is by her side for which we are grateful. Thirteen years ago today hers and Strider’s mother died so this is always a poignant time.

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