You may - or may not- know that I love writing and I mean “proper” writing, not typing something on a computer, so when I was wondering what to do for Abstract Thursday I saw all the colours of the pens and pencils in a lovely red box next to the cards that I make and thought they would be a good subject if I “messed around with them” - Mr. HCB’s words, not mine - so I decided that I would use one of the Apps on my iPhone, and GoArt is one of the best to make something look abstract
I have several fountain pens, and they are a joy to write with, particularly when I use turquoise ink, which has become a sort of trademark for me. I am especially fond of my Parker 51 pen, which is now well over 60 years old. When I am writing to friends, I often hope that it won’t be raining when the letter or card is delivered, otherwise the care I have taken with writing the address will be ruined.
I also like writing with thin felt tip pens, although they aren’t as good as fountain pens, but the metallic colours of turquoise, green and blue are fun colours and look good on plain white paper and envelopes.
I do have a minor gripe - if I go into the Post Office to get stamps and the person behind the counter has the envelope in his or her hand, having weighed it - then sticks the stamp on, but instead of taking care, just “plonks” it on and doesn’t ensure that it is square to the edge of the envelope, I do feel a little aggrieved, having taken trouble to write the envelope well. I guess in the scheme of things, it doesn’t matter that much - well not them anyway, but it does to me!
Thanks to Ingeborg for faithfully hosting this challenge every week.
“Life is an abstract art,
and it’s up to you
to make sense of it.”
Talismanist Giebra
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