She loves a Brussels Sprout!

First day back at work today. I wasn't at all ready for that alarm but it all went ok.

Then a quiet afternoon at home looking for doggies and someone came and had a look at the Audi and made an offer. 

In the evening, we headed over to Mr W's Daughters for our belated Christmas with the family. We met his other Daughters boyfriend for the first time in about 6 months. He has been too shy to meet us!!

We had a present unwrapping frenzy followed by a lovely roast dinner. It turns out Mr W's 3 year old grand daughter LOVES a sprout and polished off about 10 of them. Well that's a first!!! I don't think I have ever met a child who likes sprouts!!

I then found a puppy and fell in Love. This is the bit I hate about dog hunting. When you find something but your other half doesn't agree. Then I sulk and I sulk! He wants a rescue dog from Romania. I now have my heart set on a blonde cockerpoo!

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