But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Roslin Woods.

I took a stroll this afternoon as an alternative to visiting various places that ought to be open for trade but are probably still hung over from the New Year celebrations. The mission was to find some logs, moss and lichens that would be suitable for landscaping an elevated pond to use with my pop-up hide. This section of woodland walk is on the sit of what was the Roslin brick kiln, a building that I explored many years ago when it was nothing more than a shell made of the type of brick, with the name “ROSLIN” stamped in the frog,  that came out of the place. Just a few yards to the right was the Moat Colliery which provided the fuel to fire the kiln though I have no idea where the clay came from; no doubt it was somewhere conveniently near at hand. Beyond the colliery was the bing where Jnr used to hunt for fossils without any real success - though there were some interesting bas-relief images revealed when the shale was split open. During the winter the bing provided a few interesting toboggan runs though our dog, with the unlikely name of “Pudd’n’”, usually managed to beat us to the bottom.
Logs are there in abundance, I shall return with tools to reduce them to an appropriate size for my pond.

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