New Year, New Bannocks

It's been a moderate day, fairly cloudy but dry.  A lovely evening out tonight. 

Another lazy morning, but I did manage some washing and tidying up the house.  Mam came over after lunch, and we headed up north to visit family.  First stop was North Roe, a few hours with great aunt Joan Tait.  Next stop was with mam's first cousin, Eileen Mullay, at Heylor.  Finally we made it great uncle Jackie Edwardson, Eileen's dad,he stays next door.  Plenty of tea and biscuits all day!  Back home tonight, and a much needed big walk with Sammy around Scalloway.  Feet up by the fire now.

Lovely to see all the family today, and the good old Shetland tradition, you always get fed.  Today's treat was Roy's homemade bannocks, his granny's recipe.  Mmm they were delicious, along with some tasty mutton too.  I must get the recipe, and try them myself.  L-R  - Mam, Graham, Roy and Eileen.  Taken at their home, Heylor. 

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