
The breakfast at the hotel is so sumptuous that it offers dragonfruit in peeled and unpeeled forms, lest any of the magenta skin offend a diner.

After breakfast there was some organised fun alongside other guests in the lead-up to Saturday's wedding, whereby we went on a bike tour of the rural areas around Siem Reap. We visited this food market (psar), cycled past pungent duck farms, chatted about the tenets of Buddhism at a pagoda, and watched water buffalo wallowing in ditches. It was a great morning out, and I acquired mild sunstroke alongside some useful reflections about Cambodian attitudes to religion.

A friend from my Cambodia days, Weh, also arrived today for the wedding. We had a great and long overdue catch up over some dirt cheap Khmer food and lager.

The standard patter of tuk tuk drivers in Siem Reap is to escalate their offers from a simple journey to soft drugs, then onto sexual proclivities, culminating finally in hard drugs if nothing else has been successful. I've moaned before about the sheer pointlessness of this endeavour. Why would you accept the offer of heroin after offers of 'weed' or 'girls' had failed to rouse you?

The same particularly irritating motorbike driver drove into Weh and I twice tonight, careering close enough to whisper into our ears 'want some weed, brother?' It's cartoon bad guy stuff and when not comical is very draining and annoying.

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