Looking Forward to 2019

We were laughing so much during our post-New Year's Eve dinner game of charades that we woke Sophie up so, for the first time, she saw the New Year in with us. Here she is with Kate, watching the TV coverage of the fireworks on the South Bank, where they'd been walking the day before with Donna and her family.

They disappeared off to bed then, leaving the rest of us to finish watching Jools Holland, as is our tradition.

We headed home later this morning, with Chris & I heading straight to Huish Park where Yeovil made an awful start to the year, losing 4-1 to local rivals Cheltenham and making manager Darren Way's position looking even more untenable, if that was possible.

Hope you all had a relaxing first day of the year.

Coincidentally, this was Sophie on the same day 4 years ago


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