Life through the lens...

By ValC

It's begining to feel a lot like Christmas!

First mince pies made! (Going fast!)

We didn't get the snow, but the car door was frozen up this morning, as well as all the windows.
It took ages to thaw out. Last years de icer seems to have lots its power, and couldn't find the ice scraper.
I have now bought a new one.
Did you know the Ice scraper in Polish is Skrobaczka do lodu,
in French is Grattoir,
Spanish...Rascador de hielo
Turkish...Buz kaziyici
Russian.....too complicated!!

It has been a glorious sunny day, but the black ice never melted.
A visit to B&Q nearly had me flat on my back. I would have thought they could have gritted the car park!

A very cold night forcast, and may be snow for us tomorrow.
It is so cosy with the fire lit! (May put the Christmas trimmings up a bit earlier this year)

Hope you are all managing to keep safe and warm.

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