New Years Day Swim

It is certainly colder today though very little wind so it didn’t feel too bad. Low tide at 9.00 so very little water around so the pool it had to be. I was chatting to another lady as we swam so 6 lengths were soon done.
Bathers now drying ready for tomorrow...

I’ve gone full circle on photography and bought a little point and shoot to take on holiday in a couple of weeks. It’s waterproof so will hopefully take some swimming shots that are less wide angled than the GoPro. I would have tested it out this morning but despite searching the whole (very tiny) house several times yesterday I can’t find the second floaty that I bought in October. But I’m pleased with the shots I took (including this one) and the one video. I was very happy using my iPhone but th3 battery life is useless and using it on holiday would tempt me to catch up on emails and social media and that is a very expensive thing for us to do on the mainland with a Guernsey SIM card.

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